
What is Cross-modal Information Retrieval?

  • CMIR enables users to take a query of one modality to retrieve data in relevant content in other modalities.

This paper model texts by graphs using similarity measure based on word2vec. The authors build a dual-path neural network to learn the couple features in cross-modal information retrival.

In text modeling, they use GCN, and in image modeling, they use neural network with layers of nonlinearities based on off-the-shelf features.

Motivation and Contributions

To solve the Challenges:

  • Heterogeneous gap and semantic gap between different modality features, no natural correspondence between different modalities.
  • Although existed text feature extraction methods like word2vec is enriched by learning from neighboring words, it still ignores the global structural information.


  • Model text data by GCN, which realizes the cross-modal retrieval between irregular graph-structured data and regular grid-structured data;
  • Jointly learn the textual and visual representations as well as text-image similarity metric, providing an end-to-end training model;
  • Experimental on Eng-Wiki, NUS-WIDE, Pascal, TVGraz and Ch-Wiki.


Text Modeling

Words: \(W = [w_1,w_2,...,w_N]\)

Graph is a k-nearest neighbor graph - \(G = (V,E)\) . vertex \(v_i \in V\) is corresponding to a unique word and each edge \(e_{ij} \in E\) is defined by the word2vec similarity between two words.

\[e_{ij} = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if $w_i \in N_{k}(w_{j}) $ or $w_j \in N_{k}(w_{i}) $ } \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]

k = 8, graph structure is \(A \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}\) , graph features is \(bag-of-words\) vector and the frequency value of word \(w_i\) serves as the 1-dimensional feature on vertex \(v_i\).

Graph Convolutional

Given a text’s input graph feature vector \(F_{in}\) , output \(F_{out}\).

First, \(F_{in}\) is transformed to the spectral domain via graph Fourier transform, based on the normalized graph Laplacian:

\[L = I_N - D^{-1/2}AD^{-1/2}\]

\(I_N\) and $D$ are respectively the identity matrix and diagonal degree matrix of the graph structure $G$.

Then , \(L\) can be eigendecomposed as \(L = U \Lambda U^{T}\), \(U\) is a set of eigenvectors and \(\Lambda\) is a set of real, non-negative eigenvalues. The Fourier transform of \(F_{in}\) is a function \(U\):

\[\widehat{F_{in}} = U^T F_{in}\]

Inverse Transform:

\[F_{in} = U \widehat{F_{in}}\]

Convolution of \(F_{in}\) with a spectral filter \(g_{\theta}\) is:

\[F_{out} = g_{\theta} * F_{in} = U g_{\theta}U^{T}F_{in}\]

\(\theta\) is a vector to learn:

\[g_{\theta} = \sum_{k = 0}^{K-1} \theta_k T_k (\widetilde{L})\]

where \(T_{k}(x) = 2xT_{k-1}(x) - T_{k-2}(x)\) , \(T_{0}(x) = 1\) , \(T_{1}(x) = x\), \(\widetilde{L} = 2/\lambda_{max}L - I_N\) , \(\lambda_{max}\) is the lengest enginvalue of \(L\) .

Then, \(F_{out} = g_{\theta}F_{in}\) .